En kraftig explosion detonerade i centrala Uppsala vid 03-tiden natten till måndag. Det finns inga uppgifter om att någon har skadats.


En kraftig explosion inträffade i Uppsala under måndagsmorgonen. Polisen fick flera samtal på kort tid med början 03.15.

3838 · 4 Comments7 Shares. Share. Related  Department of Physics, Uppsala University. Box 530, SE-751 21, and how explosions occur, (4) the transition from flame to detonation and (5) when ignition .

Uppsala explosion

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Ett föremål har också detonerat i Landskrona. Flera personer larmade polisen vid 04:30-tiden om att de har hört en explosion i stadsdelen Gränby i Uppsala. Det har skett en explosion vid en dörr bredvid socialkontorets lokaler i Gottsunda. Kontoret är inte skadat och är öppet som vanligt. Explosionen hördes – och kändes – långt utanför innerstaden. ”Jag vaknade av en smäll och att sängen vibrerade”, skriver en boende i Nacka till Aftonbladet.

But will they explain the Cambrian explosion? “We believe this discovery of ours improves our scope for understanding the period in Earth’s history when animals first appeared — and is likely to prompt many interesting discussions,” says Sebastian Willman, the study’s first author and a palaeontologist at Uppsala University.

En vecka efter explosionen – polis söker målsägande Polisen utredning om vad som hände vid explosionen i Gränby pågår för fullt. Men än så länge saknas viktiga uppgifter.

One person was injured in an explosion at a shop in central Uppsala late on Tuesday night. The alarm was raised at 23:30 when the explosion occurred at the entrance to the shop's garbage hut. The building was damaged as well as several cars in the nearby parking lot.

Uppsala explosion

Similar to the Uppsala incident, the explosion damaged the facade of the apartment building. No one was injured in either incident. Last year, Sweden saw at least 236 bombings and explosions, with many believed to be linked to organised criminal The explosion, which completely destroyed one vehicle, damaged several others and blew the windows out of apartments along the entire street, could be heard several kilometers away.

You can find all important news stories, headlines, news photos and videos about Uppsala. UP offeres the best coverage on Uppsala and other important topics. Stay up to date with the best and authentic source of News online. Which is the oldest city in Sweden? Uppsala The climate in Uppsala, Sweden. The atmosphere of Uppsala is Baltic, that is, decently mainland, with cold winters, during which the normal temperature is a couple of degrees underneath freezing, and mellow to charmingly warm summers.
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3838 · 4 Comments7 Shares. Share. Related  Nov 9, 2020 Uppsala University researchers and colleagues in Denmark have now the event in evolution known as the "Cambrian Explosion" took place. University of Uppsala Specific topics of interest include the Cambrian Explosion of animal life, and the development of complex terrestrial ecosystems. 24 sep 2020 Explosion i Uppsala – ingen skadad Uppsalapolisen larmades av flera personer som hade hört en kraftig smäll vid 04.30 i Gränby i Uppsala.

Foto: Utryckning Uppsala. Det var vid klockan 06 på lördagsmorgonen som räddningstjänsten, polispatruller och ambulans larmades om en explosion på Sala backe i Uppsala. Där har en handgranat kastats in i ett trapphus på adressen.
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Apr 26, 1996 UPPSALA, Sweden (Reuter) - Swedish nuclear engineer Cliff Robinson a reactor had exploded at Chernobyl power station in the Ukraine.

A team of researchers from Uppsala University have uncovered a hidden diversity of microscopic animal fossils from over half a billion years ago lurking in rocks from the northern tip of Greenland. The ‘Cambrian explosion’ of animal diversity beginning ~541 million years ago is a defining episode in the history of life.

A team of researchers from Uppsala University have uncovered a hidden diversity of microscopic animal fossils from over half a billion years ago lurking in rocks from the northern tip of Greenland. The ‘Cambrian explosion’ of animal diversity beginning ~541 million years ago is a defining episode in the history of life.

Flera personer larmade polisen vid 04:30-tiden om att de har hört en explosion i stadsdelen Gränby i Uppsala. (Man tänker sig alltså inte en explosion på en plats i ett stort tomrum.) Gravitationskrafterna mellan alla materiepartiklar i Universum har alltid en bromsande effekt på expansionen och till att börja med minskade expansionstakten, men efter 7-8 miljarder år så gjorde sig en ännu okänd mekanism (som nu kallas ”mörk energi”) gällande som motverkar gravitationens attraktiva kraft. Bombings in Sweden are attacks and sabotage using explosive devices by criminals in Sweden.The weapons used are weapons such as hand grenades and explosives intended for either civilian or military use. Legal authorities use the term allmänfarlig ödeläggelse genom sprängning (English: damage by explosive blast) and media in Sweden use the shorter term sprängdåd. Uppsala: Explosion i byggnad.

This was a time when  24 sep 2020 Åtskilliga samtal inkommer till polisen om att det har skett en explosion på Molngatan i Gränby. Inringare beskriver en tryckvåg, att fönster har  Sep 20, 2007 I was at the concert. Hadn´t heard them before. Was like an explosion of sound, intensity, you felt the base deep in your gutter. Remarkable how  Apr 26, 2016 When the Chernobyl nuclear reactor exploded on April 26, 1986 it was the Forsmark nuclear power plant near the Swedish town of Uppsala,  Jan 7, 2018 In November, a bomb went off in a Malmö nightclub, and a hand grenade blew up near a police station in Uppsala, north of Stockholm.